Il gruppo Spazi docili ha eseguito in data 07/05/09 la prima deriva metropolitana. La deriva è servita a "targare" gli spazi già segnalati sul sito, ad analizzarne i mutamenti dal primo sopralluogo attraverso foto, riprese video, misurazioni, e vari tentativi di entrare in contatto con chi vive nelle zone limitrofe ai siti oppure con chi lavora nei cantieri che nel frattempo son sorti. Gli spazi presi in esame in questa prima deriva sono stati:
On May 7th Spazi Docili [Docile Spaces] made its first urban drift/dérive to "tag" some spaces already pointed out on the website and to evaluate with photos, videos and surveys what's changed since the last inspection. We talked with the people living nearby and with the workers in the construction sites. These are the places we focused on:
On May 7th Spazi Docili [Docile Spaces] made its first urban drift/dérive to "tag" some spaces already pointed out on the website and to evaluate with photos, videos and surveys what's changed since the last inspection. We talked with the people living nearby and with the workers in the construction sites. These are the places we focused on:
1) Tepidario Grande di Giacomo Roster, Giardino dell'Orticultura - Glasshouse (Giacomo Roster's big Tepidarium) in the Orticultura Gardens.
2) Ex Meccanotessile - Former Mechano-textile Complex.
3) Ex Panificio Militare - Former Army Bakery.
Per quanto concerne l'ex CNR, si segnala un cantiere in attività per Manutenzione Straordinaria.
In the area of the former CNR (National Research Council) there is now an extraordinary maintenance going on.
In the area of the former CNR (National Research Council) there is now an extraordinary maintenance going on.
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