Tra il tardo pomeriggio del 14 settembre e la mattina del 15 ignoti hanno distrutto gli allestimenti di Spazi docili presso l'Ex Meccanotessile (nell'ambito della Triennale dell'Ordine degli Architetti) e hanno inoltre divelto tutti i manifesti sottraendone una parte. Consideriamo questo tipo di eventi come manifestazioni inconsce e non razionalizzate di un disagio legato ai propri luoghi. Evidentemente abbiamo toccato un nervo scoperto.
Between the late afternoon of September 14th and the morning of September 15th unknown people destroyed the works installed by Spazi Docili [Docile Spaces] @ former Mechano-textile complex (made for the Architecture Triennale). They also tore all the banners, stealing some of them. We condiser such events as unconscious and non-rationalized expressions of an uneasiness connected to one's own places. It's clear we hit a nerve.
Between the late afternoon of September 14th and the morning of September 15th unknown people destroyed the works installed by Spazi Docili [Docile Spaces] @ former Mechano-textile complex (made for the Architecture Triennale). They also tore all the banners, stealing some of them. We condiser such events as unconscious and non-rationalized expressions of an uneasiness connected to one's own places. It's clear we hit a nerve.

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